Course Information


Course information and schedules are available as part of the main CPS-ECP course catalog.

Currently the Ottawa Squadron is conducting or planning to conduct the following courses.

Courses underway:
• Maritime Radio self-study online

Courses open for registration:
• Maritime Radio self-study online

Courses to be offered in the Fall of 2024:
• Basic Navigation (B3) online, from Sep 17 to Oct 22

Courses to be offered in the Winter of 2025:
• Boat Handling (B2) online, from Jan 14 to Feb 18
• Practical Weather for Boaters online, October 17 to Nov 14 (hosted by Brockville Squadron)

Register for courses hosted by the Ottawa Squadron from the CPS-ECP Course Calendar

Are you interested in taking a course we are not currently offering? Send a note to the Education Officer to let us know. We will try to accommodate you if there is sufficient interest.