Western Ontario District Burgee          Meetings

For District Meeting:   April 28 2024 Windsor

Officer Reports Received to 0700 Sat 20240527

The Western Ontario District (WOD) holds meetings six times a year.   The District level of the organization acts to bring the solutions and concerns of the Squadrons to the National level while keeping the Squadrons informed of the goings on at National.   It is the meat in the sandwich and as we like to think, holds the whole together. Representatives from each Squadron and the District officers plus any WOD CPS-ECP members who would like to attend, meet in locations around the District or on-line as the case may be.  For in-person meetings, a gratis lunch is provided and meetings typically are over in less than three hours. Prior to the start of the meetings, participants are asked so submit their reports for posting to this site.   Meeting attendees should have read these reports and be prepared to discuss the contents.

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