A comprehensive collection of boating resources
Water + Boating Safety
Coldwater Boot Camp
Safe Boating Resources
Life Jackets and PDFs
Life Saving Society Boating and Life Jackets
Life Saving Society Water Smart
Boating Lifestyle
Canadian Yachting Magazine
Discover Boating - Canadian boating resource
Animated Knots
Sailing Away - CPS-ECP member site
Parks Canada
National Marine Conservation Areas
Historic canals and waterways
Boating Organizations
Canada Shipping Act
Canadian Coast Guard
Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary - National site
Canadian Safe Boating Council
International Maritime Organization
International St Lawrence River Board of Control
National Search & Rescue Secretariat
NOAA – National Oceanic and Admostpheric Administration - US
Quebec Maritime Association (AMQ)
Sail Canada
Canadian Hydrographic Service
Fisheries and Oceans Canada – Canadians Currents and Tides Tables
Transport Canada – Office of Boating safety
US Coast Guard
United States Power Squadrons - USPS
Environmental Resources
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Parks Canada
Parks Canada– Rideau Canal
To find clean products for your boat, consult Alex Milne Associates
Boaters and Global Warming
Concerned about Global Warming and your legacy to your children and grand-children?
Have you considered buying Carbon Credits to offset your fuel consumption? Sailboats too! Sails and Fiberglass hulls are petrol based.
Replace your old two stroke engine!
Did you know that an old two stroke engines only burn 60% of the fuel? The rest is exhausted in the water or the air... Also, the oil mix burned in these older engines is very harmful for the environment.
Vessel Licensing
Transport Canada: Pleasure Craft Licence Information
Office of Boating Safety
Transport Canada: Licensing a pleasure craft
Small Vessel Regulations
Marine Weather Sites
Environment and Climate Change Canada
National Hurricane Center (USA)
Boaters' Weather Wisdom CPS-ECP Marine Weather Facebook Page
Boating Tips and Tricks
Small Vessel and Facility Security Awareness
Transport Canada Marine Security
Small Vessel and Facility Security Awareness Video
US Homeland Security
RCMP Coastal Security