Welcome to CanBoat NautiSavoir Shediac

In South-east New Brunswick, Shediac CPS offers you learning that will give you a lifetime of fun and safe boating

Our Mission:

To increase awareness and knowledge of safe boating by educating and training members and the general public, by fostering fellowship among members, and by establishing partnerships and alliances with organizations and agencies interested in boating.

Did you know?

1. The Competency of Operators of Pleasure Craft Regulations require all operators of pleasure craft fitted with any type of motor and used for recreational purposes to carry proof of competency on board. The proof is the Pleasure Craft Operator Card. Applies to any vessel equipped with a motor (including sailboats). See:


2. Operation of a motorized vessel is restricted depending on age of the operator: Horsepower restrictions apply to operators under 16 years of age:

  • Children under the age of 12 and not directly supervised by someone 16 years of age or older can operate a recreational vessel with no more than 10 hp (7.5 KW).
  • Youth between 12 years of age and under 16 years of age and not directly supervised by someone 16 years of age or older can operate a recreational vessel with no more than 40 hp (30 KW).
  • Only persons 16 years of age or older can operate a personal watercraft (PWC) regardless of supervision.


3. Use of Marine Radiotelephone (VHF radio): Marine radiotelephones fitted onboard Canadian vessels, must be operated by a person holding a Radio Operator's Certificate (ROC-M). If voyaging outside Canada, a station license may also be required. See:


4. A pleasure craft powered by 10 HP or more engine must have a Pleasure Craft License. Pleasure craft licences are free and are valid for 10 years. See:


5. An alternative to Licensing is Registration of the vessel - not required for pleasure craft but has more "weight" - it is proof of ownership, sometimes required for loans. And if you travel outside of Canada it may be required by the country you're visiting, or at least may be useful. Registration has significant fees. See:


(Please note that federal government links seem to change frequently. If any of the above links doesn't work for you, please let us know by email to: md@michaeldunn.ca )