The Helmsman is published periodically throughout the year to keep members current with Squadron news and activities. It is sent to all members by "snail" mail, and future editions will be available online.
The Helmsman is available for download in Adobe Acrobat format (pdf). To properly view these "Adobe Acrobat" files you will need a plug in called "Acrobat Reader". You most like already have it on your computer. If not, it's free, and you will need to download it from the Adobe site. To get or update Adobe Acrobat Reader click . At the Adobe site click the "GET ACROBAT READER" icon, and follow the instructions. Adobe Reader will open up these files as well as other Adobe files on other web sites.
Click on the link of the desired edition below, and it should open up in a new tab of your browser. If you have any problems downloading the files, please advise the Squadron Webmaster.