CPS is structured as a group of local Squadrons formed into Districts, from the Atlantic to the Pacific. CPS Quinte District consists of seven Squadrons including RCAF Trenton Squadron.
RCAF Trenton Squadron was formed in 1961 and with the kind permission of present and past Wing/Base Commanders, has made its home at the CFB Trenton Yacht Club. Throughout the years, a special effort has been made to provide the military, as well as the local community, with training for on-water safe boating and to provide Canada wide access to the Canadian Power and Sail Squadron fraternity. Fortunately, a large number of Squadron members are also members of the CFB Trenton Yacht Club, making it easy to coordinate and support both Squadron and Club activities.
The Squadron currently consists of approximately 130 members including Regular, Family, Junior, Life, Lady Associate, Regular Associate and Family Associate members. In April of each year, the Squadron holds its Annual General Meeting when the Squadron Bridge is elected/appointed. The Bridge is headed up by a Commander who will normally hold the position for one and possibly two years, then pass the helm over to their Executive Officer. The current Squadron Bridge can be found by clicking on the . This Bridge meets every second Thursday of the month at the CFB Trenton Yacht Club for an "Executive Meeting" to conduct the business of the Squadron.
Not all CPS members have boats so we try to get as many members out on the water at various time during the summer to practice their learned navigational skills. We start the summer out with the Boating Course Graduation Cup where the graduates of the winter Boating Course test their newly acquired skills on a navigation competition on the Bay of Quinte. This can be as much a relearning experience for other Squadron members as it is a challenge for the graduates. Twice also during the summer the Squadron holds a Squadron Rendezvous where members compete for various trophies, awarded for proficiency in Night Navigation, Predicted Log and Day Navigation.