
Boating Sites:

The official Canadian Coast Guard Aids to Navigation and Notices to Mariners Website

The US Power Squadron National Website
(Subscribe to their online newsletter - The COMPASS)

Weather Sites:

Environment Canada's Marine Weather Site for the Great Lakes

The Weather Network's Marine Weather Site for the Great Lakes

Intellicast - A new wrinkle on an older commercial site. The window starts over North America and you can zoom in to youir favorite location. The maps are customizable and provide an (almost) up to the minute view of what's coming over the horizon. I use the "Storm" menus to watch Tropical Storms developing over the Caribbean

Weatherspark - A newer weather site. Nothing particularly new on the radar side but a great forcasting tool. Charts wind directions and speeds (customizable) pusd hed out

Where we leave our boats:

Burlington Sailing and Boating Club at LaSalle Park Marina

Royal Hamilton Yacht Club

Bronte Harbour Yacht Club

Bronte Outer Harbour Marina

Port Credit Yacht Club

50 Point Yacht Club

and the Conservation area and marina

Midland Town Dock

Friends and Neighbours:

Salvation Army Ontario Great Lakes Region
Location for Registration and Classes

For on-the-water Canadian Yachting Association (CYA) sail and powerboating courses
Visit the RHYC site for evening and weekend basic courses or Adventure Sailing Plus Ltd. for Basic Live-aboard or a full complement of Basic through Advanced and Offshore courses on Georgian Bay and in the Caribean.

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