COVID-19 and Your Boat Insurance

By Cowan Insurance Group

COVID-19 continues to have an impact on virtually every aspect of our lives. As the situation continues to evolve, all of us are dealing with the on-going uncertainty created by these unprecedented events. With the arrival of spring, we have started to receive many questions from our clients regarding boat insurance. As an essential service, we remain open and dedicated to supporting our clients. Our employees are working from home and ready to provide the expert advice, guidance, and excellent service you have come to expect from Cowan.

With boating season just beginning in many areas of the country, the Canadian boating community is feeling the impact of the pandemic. It is still too early to understand if or when owners will be able to launch their boats this year. Many marinas are closed and will either open later in the season or may not open at all. We continue to monitor the situation and evaluate the impact it may have on our clients.

We are working closely with our insurance carrier partners to find options for premium relief for boat owners who may be delayed or unable to get their boats in the water. The majority of your total boat insurance premium covers the hull and equipment of your vessel year-round, whether it is in the water or on land. Each situation is considered on a case-by-case basis. Any adjustments to your premium will be based on the risk exposures associated with boats in storage and boats not operating on the water.

Special COVID-19 coverage considerations for boat owners

In some provinces, marinas and other marine services are not considered essential services, which impacts the ability of our marine surveyors to complete inspections. At this time, we are asking you to send us photos of your boat, if possible, until surveyors can resume inspections.

This year, boat owners spending their winters in warmer climates such as Florida, the Bahamas, and the Caribbean had to return to Canada early, possibly without their boat. If this situation applies to you, please contact us. We are currently exploring options for our clients to extend coverage past June 1, when named storm season begins, subject to a named storm deductible being applied to your policy. In order to apply this coverage to your policy, we will require details on where the boat is currently moored or in storage, and any actions taken to mitigate damage from wind and named storms.

At Cowan, we understand the current climate is uncertain and leaving a lot unknown. We have created a dedicated page on our website at, where you will find up-to-date information and resources.

If you have any additional questions or would like to discuss your coverage, please contact us at

Cowan Insurance has partnered with CPS-ECP to provide exclusive coverage to our members.