Welcome to CanBoat Sault Ste. Marie

In Sault Ste. Marie, on June 8 1964, after successfully completing the boating course, 12 dedicated people banded together to form the Sault Ste. Marie Power Squadron, Voyageur District. It celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2014.

The objectives of CPS-ECP are:

  1. to perpetuate a fraternity of boaters of sufficient numbers, strength and vigour to achieve our ongoing aims of establishing high standards of navigation and seamanship;
  2. to provide training and study courses and facilities in the fields of Boating, Seamanship, Piloting, Navigation;
  3. to promote the safe handling of pleasure boats of all kinds;
  4. to cooperate with the agencies of Canada charged with the enforcement of Laws and Regulations relating to navigation.