Welcome to CanBoat Port Dover

Boating Education in Port Dover and surrounding area.

for more information

CanBoat Port Dover  is a unit of CanBoat (Canadian Power & Sail Squadron).  Serving Norfolk County since 1949, we are part of a national organization of boating enthusiasts.

The Port Dover Power & Sail Squadron is a volunteer, non-profit organization that fosters safe boating through education.  We educate boaters young and old, power or sail, experienced or novice .  We have courses, presentations and other demonstrations throughout the year that focus on basic licensing to get you out on the water as well as  more advanced and general interest courses to get you back to your dock safely.

We can help you:

  • Licensing, Advanced and Elective Courses
  • Yearly Membership with many discounts to boating related partners
  • Monthly, local squadron newsletter that includes invitations to social events, seminars and more.