The birth of the squadron was initiated by 13 members of the Montreal Power Squadron, who decided that since most of their pleasure boating was on Lake St. Louis, no better reason could be found for breaking away from the Montreal Power Squadron and forming a local squadron. The name selected for this new Squadron was Lake St. Louis Power Squadron.
The Montreal Power Squadron was very cooperative in this regard and was of great help with their support during our early years.
The group of 13 members was led by Henry Vineberg who became Lake St. Louis' first Commander and nursed these members along in the formative years.
The Lake St. Louis Power Squadron charter was presented on May 30, 1956 at the Royal St. Lawrence Yacht Club and it then became the 18th CPS squadron.
The first Lake St. Louis Power Squadron class (boating class) was held at the Lord Reading Yacht Club in October 1956. Lectures were given by the charter members. The original class consisted of fourteen enthusiastic students.
As the classes and interest grew in size, the Squadron moved its classes to the Royal St. Lawrence Yacht Club in 1961.
The Squadron was on the move and during those early years the only course offered was the basic Piloting course (now boating course). Those early classes averaged 25 students. Enthusiasm ran high.
Over and above the classroom teaching sessions, efforts were made to mix social events with the classroom course activities. The Squadron social events included the following activities: Summer Cruises, Olde Pier Dance, Predicted Log Contests, Movie Nights, Life Saving Courses, Factory Visits, VHF Courses and Planetarium Night.
The above events were quite successful and well attended. It was felt that these types of activities helped keep the membership together.
From these early and critical years the Squadron grew in strength, increasing in membership as well as teaching knowledge which came with time.
The Squadron has always been fortunate in that from within the membership, the Squadron has been able to select executive material as well as instructors of a high caliber, and great enthusiasm.
The Squadron, as it gained experience in the early years, decided that although annual elections were held it would be advantageous in the long run to extend the commander’s term in office for two years, even though some of the other bridge officers might change. This decision was made to provide continuity in the running of the “Bridge”. Unfortunately the Squadron was not always able to do this, due to the out of town business transfers of some officers.
Due to the excellent types the Squadron was fortunate to select for the Bridge, many have risen to positions within CPS at both District and National levels.
With all due respect to the many members who went on to higher offices, one member went all the way to the top becoming Chief Commander, namely our own Mike Dumaresq. Mike joined the Squadron by graduating with the 1960 Piloting (boating) class and became Squadron Commander in 1966. From there Mike served in its Maisonneuve District and was elected to the position of Chief Commander in October 1977.
Although Mike has retired from this position, he is one of the strongest boosters of CPS with unlimited enthusiasm.
Over the years the Squadron submitted training aids at the National Annual General Meeting and has won many awards for its efforts.
The Squadron was very fortunate in that if a training aid were required to assist in teaching any subject, someone always stepped in offering to produce one.
Two new squadrons were formed in the area over the years, with transfer of some of our members to these squadrons. Lake St-Louis Squadron is quite proud of the fact that it assisted in the setting up of these squadrons. The squadrons are West Island and Lake of Two Mountains.