OCTOBER 24th– 29th 

Register soon to join us as Toronto Welcomes the World, the conference theme, which truly describes the vibrancy and excitement that can be found in the various neighborhoods celebrating the many and varied cultures that are at home here. Within walking distance of the Hotel, are world class museums, galleries, shopping districts, and much more.

While at the Conference:

On Wednesday October 26 at 8:00pm please join us for… A Very Scary Evening Haunted Walk of Ghosts, graveyards, hangings, and haunts. Hear some of the most spine-tingling ghost stories from the earliest days of the city, including haunted theatres, unsolved mysteries, and the terrifying encounters at Mackenzie House. You will never look at the city the same again! We will be back at the hotel for Hot Chocolate and Cookies to help you sleep after this scary adventure.

Thursday October 27 at 11:15 am join us for a Scrumptious Bunch, Old Trains and the CN Tower. A high speed trip up 113 floors to the main observation deck of the CN Tower where the braver visitors can walk onto the glass floor. Transportation is provided to the restaurant for a delicious brunch. Afterwards we walk to the Railway Exhibit at the heritage Roundhouse, a national historic site built in 1929 for CPR in the Roundhouse Park. At the edge of the park we enter the CN Tower. There will be time to visit the Blue Jays official store or the CN Tower gift shop before our transportation arrives to return us to the hotel.

We highly recommend you take the time for a walk, a nip, a shop or a view in Toronto’s unique Victorian era Distillery District. Enjoy its European ambiance just minutes from the hotel. There are so many interesting things to do in Toronto. Our Tours Committee will be available to suggest short or longer outings that will fit into the time you have available before or after meetings.

In line with our Theme, the Friday evening of the Conference will celebrate the food and entertainment from different parts of the World. Start thinking about the costume you will wear, one that represents your own family background, or one which you admire! Some fun competitions are in the works, not only for the best costume, but in other areas which may surprise you! Come prepared for an evening to relax and enjoy after most of the serious business of the week is over.

Our Conference venue, The Sheraton Center Toronto Hotel situated in the downtown core, allows easy walking access to many of these attractions.

Mark your Calendars with these dates October 24th – 30th 2022.

We will be waiting for you!

Hotel Layout (PDF)
Final Agenda 2022 (PDF)