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Register and Create CPS-ECP Profile

Once you have completed the registration process, you will receive a confirmation e-mail from CPS-ECP.

  1. contain at least 1 uppercase character(A-Z)
  2. contain at least 1 lowercase character(a-z)
  3. Minimum length: 10, Maximum length: 64

Personal Details, Contact Information and Preferences

Registration and User Agreement

By selecting "Yes" to "I agree with the Registration and User Agreement" and "Next" below to proceed with the registration, you certify and agree that:

  • you have read, and are in agreement with and understand the Confidentiality Policy, Privacy Notice and Payments & Refund Policy.
  • you will not adapt, copy or duplicate or make any attempt to copy or duplicate in part or in whole any of the presented course material, videos, quizzes , tests, glossary or exam questions