Aperçu des sections

  • 1. Maritime Mobile Service

    • Select the answer you think is most correct from the choices given for each question. There is no limit on the number of times you may complete the review questions.

      Note: If your Quiz results do not appear when you click on Finish Attempt, return to the same Quiz and your score will appear on the screen. To review your responses, click the Review link which will display your response and the correct answers to all Quiz questions.

  • 2. Procedures

    • Select the answer you think is most correct from the choices given for each question. There is no limit on the number of times you may complete the review questions.

      Note: If your Quiz results do not appear when you click on Finish Attempt, return and click on the same Quiz and your score will appear on the screen. To review your responses, click the Review link on the right which will display your response and the correct answers to all Quiz questions.

  • 3. GMDSS

    • Select the answer you think is most correct from the choices given for each question. There is no limit on the number of times you may complete the review questions.

      Note: If your Quiz results do not appear when you click on Finish Attempt, return and click on the same Quiz and your score will appear on the screen. To review your responses, click the Review link on the right which will display your response and the correct answers to all Quiz questions.

  • 4. Digital Selective Calling (DSC) Radios

    • Select the answer you think is most correct from the choices given for each question. There is no limit on the number of times you may complete the review questions.

      Note: If your Quiz results do not appear when you click on Finish Attempt, return and click on the same Quiz and your score will appear on the screen. To review your responses, click the Review link on the right which will display your response and the correct answers to all Quiz questions.

  • 5. Routine Communications

    • Select the answer you think is most correct from the choices given for each question. There is no limit on the number of times you may complete the review questions.

      Note: If your Quiz results do not appear when you click on Finish Attempt, return and click on the same Quiz and your score will appear on the screen. To review your responses, click the Review link on the right which will display your response and the correct answers to all Quiz questions.

  • 6. Distress Communications

  • 7. Urgency Communications

  • 8. Safety Communications

  • 9. Other GMDSS Equipment

    • Select the answer you think is most correct from the choices given for each question. There is no limit on the number of times you may complete the review questions.

      Note: If your Quiz results do not appear when you click on Finish Attempt, return and click on the same Quiz and your score will appear on the screen. To review your responses, click the Review link on the right which will display your response and the correct answers to all Quiz questions.

  • Exam Process

    • This practice exam, consisting of questions chosen at random from among the practice questions for each section, provides a simulation of an actual final exam that must be completed in one hour.

      Select the best or most correct answer for each question. 42 questions correct (70%) is the minimum mark you must achieve to pass the official Maritime Radio Course Examination.

      You may complete this practice exam as many times as you wish.