Login or create an account with CanBoat / NautiSavoir.
Once you have created an account on our system, you can sign up for this PCOC course by adding it to your cart and completing the payment process below. After payment and registration, you will see a page which confirms your payment and that has a link directly to your course. If you should leave the course for more than 30 days, please contact us for the reissue of the link as you will be locked out of the program. Please sign up one person per registration. Use a different email address and create an account for each student.
If you currently have one, please click Login. You will be sent directly to the Checkout page with your course in the basket.
If you do not have a user account, you will need to create one. Click on Signup and fill in the required form. You will then be passed to the Checkout page with your course in the basket.